5 Powerful Low Hanging Fruit SEO Techniques

In a constantly evolving competitive online market, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) plays a significant role for business owners and marketers to increase organic traffic and web visibility.

Usually, beginners find it difficult to decide the most suitable SEO strategy from multiple SEO practices and techniques to generate maximum outcomes with minimal effort.

Today we will discuss low-hanging fruit SEO techniques that effectively induce maximal search traffic with nominal effort.

Let’s get in.

What Are Low Hanging Fruit SEO Techniques?

In SEO, the phrase low-hanging fruit SEO techniques is used as a metaphor.

Let me explain.

Usually because of ease, people like to gather fruits from the lower portions of a tree.

In the SEO field, low-hanging fruit techniques help to identify underestimated SEO methods that can generate a significant amount of organic traffic and ranking with minimum effort and resources.

Generally, low-hanging fruit SEO is based on the Pareto principle.

According to the Pareto principle, 80% of the result can be generated by a minimum of 20% effort.

let’s see the 5 Best Low Hanging Fruit SEO Techniques.

1. Identifying Untapped Keywords

Usually, authority websites don’t target low-hanging fruit keywords.

They optimize their content with high-volume, competitive keywords to acquire a substantial amount of search traffic and higher rankings.

With decent search volume, these types of keywords usually tend to maintain low competition and are easy to rank.

You can target those untapped low-hanging fruit keywords to gain a higher ranking and search traffic.

Utilizing these kinds of keywords inside well-written content can produce quality outcomes within a short period.

How To Identify Low-Hanging Fruit Keywords:

The first and foremost method to hunt these types of keyphrases is keyword research.

You can utilize different techniques and free or paid tools to quest low-hanging keywords.

  • Taking advantage of Google autosuggest can be a goldmine technique to extract these types of unidentified, high-potential keywords.
  • Choose a low keyword difficulty (KD) filter in your keyword research tool (I’m using the free version of Ubersuggest) to fetch ideas for low-hanging fruit keywords.

Another popular method is:

  • Type any long-tail keywords of your niche on Google. Now check the DA (Moz Domain Authority), website age, and root domain of the first 10 or 20 SERP (Search Engine Result Page) one by one to check whether the keywords are in the low-hanging fruit category or not.

2. Update Existing Content Regularly

update existing content regularly
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Another effective but overlooked low-hanging fruit SEO technique is updating old articles.

Website visitors don’t like to compile information from old blog posts, they need fresh input.

Also, search engines provide a better ranking for revising existing content with quality input.

According to Semrush, 53% of marketers saw a growth in engagement after updating old content, while 49% saw a boost in organic traffic.

Benefit Of Updating Old Content:

  • Revisiting and editing old posts spontaneously assists in building conviction among readers. Also, search engines provide an edge over your competitors for putting in useful inputs regularly.
  • Nobody cares for outdated content. Updating content regularly increases the likelihood of earning new and quality backlinks. Revamping your existing content regularly pushes higher in the search results which widely unlocks the opportunity of receiving quality backlinks.
  • Composing well-optimized content from scratch consumes time and effort. An ideal SEO person provides special priority on enriching aged content rather than merely relying on new content for ranking. This low-hanging fruit SEO strategy can save time and cut short expenditures.

3. Google Search Console To Enhance Ranking

google search console to enhance ranking
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Usually, newbies prefer paid tools to inspect blog performance instead of free tools from Google, Search Console.

Also paid tools like Ahref, and Semrush provide minimal insight into your website compared to Google Search Console (GSC).

Strategic implementation of GSC can acquire plenty of search traffic with a nominal effort.

Benefits of Using Google Search Console:

  • Google Search Console is a goldmine for detecting low-hanging and untapped keywords. These types of unharmed keywords always tend to be low-competitive and easy to rank.
  • GSC provides apparent and accurate data about your ranking pages and SERP position. Optimizing page ranking on second and third pages with low-hanging keywords can surge a significant amount of traffic.
  • GSC performance report helps to compare different pages and provides a clear overview of CTR, current position, and actual traffic of particular pages.

4. Improve Internal And External Link

Proper internal linking and external linking not only boost search traffic but also help to build the authority of websites.

Newbie bloggers and website owners don’t pay much attention to external and internal linking.

Benefits Of Internal Linking:

  • Internal linking helps to increase website page views and decrease bounce rate, both help to boost the ranking of your website.
  • It helps to build proper site structures to enhance search engines to crawl efficiently.
  • Strategic interlinking transfers link juice from a ranked page to a new page, helping to push higher in the search results.

Benefits Of External Linking:

  • Linking your pages with high-authority websites not only helps to boost ranking but also improves the authority, and credibility of your websites.
  • External linking delivers a better reading experience. Linking out to related topics benefits readers in understanding a particular topic clearly.

5. Page Speed

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Another low-hanging fruit SEO technique that requires minimal effort and resources to improve is your website load time.

53% of people visiting your content using smartphones left pages immediately with a loading speed of 3 seconds or more.

Benefits Of Fast Page Load Speed:

  • Slow load time turns visitors away and increases the bounce rate of websites, signifying a gloomy indication to search engines.
  • Websites with faster page speed increase visitor engagement rate which leads to possible sales and conversion.
  • From June 2021, page speed became a major ranking factor after the Google Core Web Vitals update, and even Google started penalizing and diminishing the ranking of slow-loading websites.

Frequently Asked Questions For Low-Hanging Fruit SEO Techniques

Here’s a list of frequently asked questions.

Q1. What Are Low-Hanging Fruit Keywords For SEO?

Low-hanging fruit SEO keywords are those phrases that always carry less competition with decent search volume, and bring quality search traffic with nominal efforts.

Q2. Is Low-Hanging Fruit Technique Good Or Bad?

Low-hanging fruit technique can be beneficial in the short term, but in the long run, it may cause complications.

Q3. What Is The Low-Hanging Fruit Principle Example?

It is used as a metaphor. Low-hanging fruit is used to depict something easy to achieve without too much endeavour.


I have added vital low-hanging fruit SEO techniques to gain instant traffic and website visibility without prior effort.

However, there are various low-hanging techniques to implement that I have not incorporated above.

Tell me which are the most effective quick-win methods in SEO.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Thank You.

Hello friends, my name is Sambhu Maity, and I am the founder of DigitalSambhu. Here I share various tips and tricks related to Digital Marketing, Android, Blogging, Social Media, SEO, and various passive income techniques so that beginners can learn everything quickly. If you want to know more details, then definitely click on the "About Us" page.

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